Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Mise-en-scene: Casting, Make-Up, Props

Mise-en-scene: Costumes, Props, Casting & Lighting

Casting: There will be three people casting in our production, as it is easier and everyone will be dedicated to the production. Mathew is going to be the main character, as he has done Drama before and got an A in GCSE. He is a good actor and can change himself to adapt to different characters. Stefan will be playing as Mathew’s friend that sets him up. Mathew and Stefan are good friends so it should be easier for them to get on and it will be easier to shoot the production. Kojo is also a good friend of Mathew and Stefan so again it will be easier for everyone to get on, and they will rehearse again and again to get the perfect shots. 

Props: We will be using a range of different props, the bag will be used when Mathew goes to change, and his whole personality will change with it. We chose a blackberry, as many teenagers have this phone and the audience will be able to recognise it. The lighter and cigarettes will be used by other characters and will not be shown in a good way, so that our audience doesn’t see it as a good thing. When Mathew goes to see his friends, he will take his bike, as it fits in with the stereotypes of the estate life, as not many people have cars. The hand cuffs will be used when Mathew gets arrested.

Make-up & Costume:
As the cast is all boys, no-one will be wearing make-up, but they will all be wearing track suits, so that it fits in with the estate life, as no-one can afford proper clothing. At the beginning of the production, Mathew will be wearing school uniform and then later on will change into track suits.
We will be using low-key lighting as it will show the realism when shooting the scenes. As we are shooting in an estate, we want to show the realism of the estate life so the audience can see the proper estate life. 

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