Taken 2
Taken 2 recently came out and it is an action film. Firstly, the typography is written in bold and is red, this could connote that the movie has something to do with blood and violence.Another effect on using the colour red, is that is stands out from the rest of the poster, as it is the only thing in colour. Using capital letters for the title, connotes the emphasise on the word 'TAKEN', it could mean that someone or something may be 'taken' in the film.
The shots used in the background are in black and white, which creates mystery in the audiences minds, as they are forced to think why it is in that colour. As, black and white connote various things such as, mystery, fear and a gloomy atmosphere. It is also used when there are a lot of emotions, so this could be a clue to the audience.
There is a long shot of the main character, which is on the side of the poster, this connotes his importance, as he is the only one on the poster who has a long shot and his entire body is shown. It also shows his body language and how he is dressed. He is wearing all black, which connotes how important he is and he is very passionate about what he is going to do. The iconography used is the gun in his hand, which connotes that this movie has violence and his motive may be to kill someone. The gun gives away many clues to the audience, which gets them thinking about what the movie may be about. Having the gun in his hand may suggest to the audience that he may be the protagonist, as a gun is seen as a weapon of evil. His facial expressions show that he looks worried, which connotes he may be thinking about what he is going to do or he is upset about someone being 'taken'.
In the background, there is a medium shot used for the woman running in the rain. The shot allows you to see her facial expressions and her body language. She is running and she looks afraid, which connotes that someone may be after her. This shot adds to the mystery, as the audience will want to know who she is running away from. Low-key lighting is used in the background, which connotes the mystery. The shot used for the second shot is a medium shot, which shows the man pointing a gun at someone. His facial expressions show that he very angry, this connotes that he is may be angry at the person who he is shooting. The iconography of the gun, shows the audience that he is a protagonist and that he may be shooting an enemy. Low-key lighting is used again, to show emphasise on the man and what he is doing. In the final shot, there is a close-up shot used to show the facial expressions on the woman's face. The woman looks worried, which shows that she may have been 'taken' or someone close to her has been. The use of these three shots show the audience that the characters in these shots, are the main characters of the film.
Bride Wars
Bride Wars came out in 2009 and it is a comedy. Firstly, the typography is in black fancy writing and in red bold writing. The fancy writing connotes that the movie is going to be a 'chick flick' and the movie is about the two characters on the poster. 'Bride Wars' is in fancy writing and in red bold writing, the same applies for the characters names at the top of the poster. The word 'wars' is in red bold capital writing, which connotes that a war may occur between two brides. In between the two characters it says 'Even best friends cant share the same wedding day', this shows the audience that the two women on the poster are best friends, and that they are getting married but something comes between them.
The shot used is a medium shot, the shot is above their waist's and shows the facial expressions. Kate Hudson's is wearing a wedding dress and her facial expressions show that she is looking directly at Anne Hathaway, and has a smirk on her face. Her make -up is done nicely and she has a cake cutter in her hand, which pointing towards Anne. The smirk connotes that she thinks she is going to have a better wedding than, which gets the audience thinking what that something is.
Anne Hathaway also has a wedding dress on, her make-up is done nicely and she has cake cake cutter pointing towards Kate. Her facial expressions show that she has a smirk on her face, which connotes that she may have outdone Kate on her wedding. The typography in between both the characters, suggests that they may have booked their weddings on the same day and are now competing for the venue. High-key lighting is used to show the facial expressions and what they are wearing.
Sinister also came out recently and it is a horror. Firstly, the typography is in scary, bold, spaced out writing. The connotes that the movie will be scary, as the writing is related to the horror genre. The writing looks as if it has been painted onto the wall, which is why it looks as if it is running down the wall. Underneath, 'Sinister', it says 'Once you see him, nothing can save you', this connotes that the movie may have a ghost or a haunted figure in the movie. Above 'Sinister', it says 'from the producer of Paranormal Activity and Insidious', this shows that the film will be scary as, the previous films were.
It is a medium shot of a young girl wearing her pyjamas, dragging her hand, which has blood on it, across the wall. This connotes that the girl has something to do with the storyline, as she is the only character in the poster. There is a lot of blood on the wall, and there is a face in the blood. This connotes that the face in the blood, could be the thing that haunts the girl or her family. The fact that she is facing the wall, connotes that she may be scared of the figure in the blood. She is wearing her pyjamas, connoting that she may be getting scared whilst she is sleeping, someone may be haunting her in her dreams and is affecting the way she is when she is awake.
The blood is red. The colour red is associated with death, danger and fear. The face in the blood, connotes that the person could be after the girl, as she may have something they want. Low-key lighting is used to emphasise the atmosphere that is created.

21 Jump Street came out in March and it is a comedy. The typography is bold white and red writing, red connotes danger and white connotes innocence. This could mean that they have to do something dangerous. Above '21 Jump Street', its says 'the only thing getting blown tonight is their cover', which connotes that the two characters on the poster may be going undercover as other people. The word 'jump' is the only typography that is in the colour red, this connotes that the storyline may have something to do with jumping into a dangerous situation. As there are only two characters in the poster, they are probably the main characters of the film.
A long shot is used to show the main characters and their body language. Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are standing back to back, which connotes that they may not get along. They are wearing suits, which shows that they are sophisticated. Their facial expressions show that they are serious about what they are about to do. In the background, there is a banner that says 'senior prom', this shows that they may be going back to school undercover or may have to go and stop a senior prom. They have guns in their hands, this iconography relates to action films. Also, the fact that they are wearing suits and standing in front of the decorations connotes that something dangerous is going to happen during their senior prom, and they are going to stop it.
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