1. BBC Films, UK Film Council, Limelight Communications, ContentFilm and Kasander Film Company. 28 Distributors were involved in the making of this film.
2. BBC Films have made over 100 films and their previous productions are 'Saving Mr Banks'. Kasander Film Company have made over 30 films and they are currently making one more.
3. Out of the three companies, I think that BBC Films is the most successful as they have made many successful films for example West is West. This film was very successful throughout the UK.
4. Fish Tanks cost £3 million to produce.
5. Kidulthood was made with a budget of £920,000. 
Paranormal Activity was made with a budget of $15,000, this is a horror film, even though it didn't cost much to make, it took in $193 million at cinemas. 
Saw is also another horror film, that only cost $1.2 million to make. 
Rocky (1976) cost $1 million to produce, and this film took in $225,000,000 at cinemas.
Night of the Living Dead cost $114,000 to produce, but took in $30,000,000 worldwide. 
6. Fish Tank was funded by BBC Films.
7. British Films are funded by innovation funding, which will support projects that help UK make a successful transition into the digital age. Another way that they are funded is through Film Export Fund, which aims to enhance the export opportunities for British films at key international film festivals, such the Cannes Film Festival.
8. The target audience for Fish Tank is 15-18 year olds, as the storyline shows the realism of how some teenagers are and what the types of problems they are going through.
9. The genres that appeal to 16-25 year olds are comedy, horror and romance. These genres appeal to them as it keeps them entertained and they may be able to connect with the story lines.
10. Fish Tank's man distributor is IFC Films.
11. A distributor is an individual or organisation who will represent a film at festivals and markets around the world and who will attempt to sell it to television (including terrestrial, cable and satellite), airlines and other companies that show short films.
12. Fish Tank was promoted by posters.
13. A big blockbuster film would have promoted on TV, the trailer would be online and on TV as they would have the money. Also, there would be film poster's on bus's and the bus-stops.
14. The trailer hooks audiences into the narrative and and pose questions that the film will answer as it shows how a normal 15 year old is loving her life and the problems that arise in her life. The lighting is very bright, natural lighting is used which creates the audience to see the real-life problems. A female is the main character, which allows the audience to see the point of view from a female.
16.The trailer for Fish Tank shows scenes of what is going to happen, which leaves the audience to wonder what will happen next. The trailer doesn't give away the storyline, it shows different scenes, which confuses the audience.
17.The trailers for Insidious and Justin Bieber's film show plot and what the movie is going to be about. Insidious has low-key lighting and scary music which allows the audience to know that it is a scary movie. Justin Bieber's film is a documentary and the audience can see that as they can see that people are speaking about Justin. Both the trailers shows ovbious plots and different shots.
18.The certification 15, it allows violence and sexual activity but not too detailed and drugs are not allowed to be promoted but it is not banned. The difference between a rated 18 certificate and a 15 is that there is more gore, sexual activity and drug taking.