Sunday, 30 September 2012

Advert Analysis

Advert Analysis
Saira Ahmed 12M

The advert is promoting Beyonce’s new perfume, ‘Heat’. The focus of the ad is on Beyonce, with a small of bottle of the perfume next to her leg. The perfume bottle isn’t very big; this may be because they want Beyonce to be the focus. The main colour of the advert is red, which gives an impression of seductiveness, dirty and sex. She has direct mode of address, giving a seductive look and gives a stronger affect. She is the main focus of the advert, as she is in the middle. The lighting is low, making the audience focused on her and her body.

It is also difficult to not notice her chest because the slogan of the perfume ‘Catch the Fever’ is printed across her chest leading the viewer’s eyes back to this portion of her body. Allowing the viewer to see she feels sexy whilst wearing the perfume, as she feels comfortable enough to show her cleavage. She’s wearing a revealing red dress, which can interest a male audience but also a female, as they would want to look like her.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this advert is a part of Esteem, love/belonging and Physiological, these three are all to do with ex and making people feel better. The connotations of red include lust, empowerment and pain. This is portrayed through her facial expressions, which have been enhanced by lighting.

Beyonce is not extremely thin in her ad and she isn't following popular fashions or looks in other ads such as thin and tall. I think this is an image that resists social norms of what women should look like. This will appeal to a larger female audience, as woman will buy the perfume despite their size. Also, Beyonce’s fans will be the perfume, males and females, as males will want their partners to be like and females will want to look/feel like her.

The title ‘Heat’ is in capital letters and bold, which makes it stand out as it is placed right at the top of the poster. It will catch the viewers’ attention, and make them wonder what ‘Heat’ could mean, for example it could relate to how people would feel if they wore the perfume. The text written across her chest draws attention to the fact that wearing the perfume could make you feel sexy. 


  1. WWW: good analysis of advert, excellent use of Maslows hierarchy and great paragraph structure

    EBI: If you add more media terminology, such as 'connote' and refer back to Mise en scène

  2. The dress that Beyonce is wearing, shows off her figure, and is very seductive. This will attract a male and female audience, as men will want their partners to look like this, and women will want to look like this. Her facial expression is very seductive, she has a direct point of view, which mean she is looking straight at the audience. This helps get her message across to the audience.
