Album Cover and Website
What are the main similarities and why? Effect on audience..
What are the main differences and why? Effect on audience..
The word 'Ill' is placed as tower blocks, so the narrative may link to estates and the estate rough life. The way 'ill' is placed on the poster may suggest that the characters may live there and that's where the film is set. Setting is presented as the central theme of the cover. He could be rapping about the estate life and what occurs in the film. The logo that has Plan B's name in it, shows the creative side of him and the logo is of a cutter type thing, which can connote that knifes may be involved in the storyline. They are both placed at the top of the media text, which shows the importance it has towards Plan and the film. This will let the audience know that Plan B is a big part of the production of the film and it may suggest to them that some of the events that occur in the film, may have happened to him in real life.
On the Album Cover, Plan B is sitting on a wall, smoking. Plan B looks very 'hood', he looks like he doesn't care about his appearance This connotes that characters in the film may be doing so, which also lets the audience know the film is very explicit. In the background, you can see estate blocks, which links to the narrative. The characters may be living there during the film. On the website, you can some of the characters that are in the film. One of the characters is wearing a tracksuit, which links to what Plan B was wearing on the Album Cover. The outfits that they are wearing, could meet the stereotypes, that people who live on estates are 'chavs' and are wearing tracksuits. There is a gang of people in the background, which could be meeting the stereotypes that gangs live in estates and are very rough people.
On the Album Cover, Plan B is smoking which can reveal that the characters in the film, may do so. This shows the audience that they can see that the film will be explicit about drugs. Also, the smoking is an iconic prop in these 'British urban' films, so the audience will automatically be able to recognise the props being used and not be offended as they will be use to seeing that. Also, In the background, you can see estate blocks, which shows the audience that it might link to the location of the film. This can allow the audience to see that it may show what the 'estate' life is about and how people deal with their every day problems. However on the website, there is a gang in the background, which may be the characters in the film, that are wearing tracksuits and hoods. This is also an iconic prop that is popular with the British public, the audience will automatically be able to recognise it. This is also a stereotypical look, as most gangs wear tracksuits and hoods, so it reinforces the stereotype.
On the website, the estate blocks are placed behind the characters and may be a back drop, to show that audience that they all live in the estates, and have a 'estate life'. This can connote that they have rough lives and that is how people living the 'estate life' are stereotyped. They are all posing in a way which makes them look like a gang that will commit crimes, and this can link to the that fact that they have no manners - 'manors ill'. This allows the audience to see that they lack manners and this is because of the 'estate life'.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Pictures of the Setting

We have chosen this location for our opening sequence as they meet the stereotypical views that we are trying to show to our audience. Our main character is from a black background and he lives in a estate, which meets the stereotype that black people that live in estates have a rough life. The estate looks very empty, which is good, as we want to create that atmosphere for the audience. When we shoot our sequence, we will shoot a view of the entire estate, so that the audience can see what its like, what kind of atmosphere is being set.
Monday, 17 December 2012
MEST 2 Creating Media: Research & Planning
In the beginning of the two-minute opening sequence the audience are forced to stare at the character (female) walking towards the camera, then she starts a conversation with a male character. A long shot is used whilst she is walking, as this allows the audience to see her body language and her facial expressions. Then a medium shot is used whilst they are having a conversation, this allows the audience to see their facial expressions. Then a over the shoulder shot is used whilst Naomi and Austin are talking, it gets reversed whenever the other person is talking. This allows the audience to see their facial expressions and how they are feeling whilst having a conversation. She throws her bag to Austin, and she runs out the airport. A long shot is used which shows her running, this emphasises how important it is for her to get to where she has to be. A long shot is used to show that she is stuck in traffic, the camera pans across cars. A medium shot is then used from in front of the car, which shows her facial expressions whilst she is on the phone. She then throws her phone onto the next seat, and puts her glasses on, a medium shot is still being used. She gets frustrated and drives onto the path way. A long shot is used to show how fast she is driving and what other people's expressions are.
Waterloo RoadA point of view shot is used to show where she is and a long shot is used after to show that she is walking towards her room. A medium shot is used to show what she does when she goes into the room. She turns on the radio and goes to talk to the other girl. A close up is used of her face, when she looks at what the other girl is doing. This is done so that the audience can see her facial expressions are. A close up is used of the girl on the bed, to see her facial expressions when she drops the drink on her work, you can see she is angry with the other woman. They start having a conversation but over the shoulder shots aren't being used during the conversation. The camera just pans across when the older woman talks and then pans back to the younger woman. The woman in the blue tracksuit then gets aggressive towards the younger woman, and gets up and gets in her face. A over the shoulder shot is used to see the woman's facial expressions. An extreme close up is used to show how important her speech is and her facial expressions towards the younger girl. It shows that the woman doesn't like her and is showing aggressive behavior towards her.
Pretty Little Liars
A medium shot is used to see all the characters in the shot but also to see their body and facial language, so the audience can see who is saying what. Then a close up is used to show that her speech is important and the audience can see her facial expressions. As the she is having a conversation with her friend, an over the shoulder shot is used to show her facial expressions. The camera then looks at her other friend, to show that she is now speaking. The camera looks back and forth at the two characters, as this may show that what they are saying has importance to the topic they are taking about. The camera goes back to a medium shot of all the girls, then camera pans back and forth to the three girls to the one girl standing by herself. When the girl with her hair tied back starts talking, a close up shot is used to show her facial expressions and to show that her speech has importance. When the bell rings a long shot is used as they walk out of the toilets. As they are walking out of the toilet, they see two woman talking and rush back into the toilet. When the two woman are talking a long shot is used to see where they are and their body language. When they rush back into the toilet, they all start panicking and a medium shot is used to show their facial expressions and how they are reacting.
One Tree Hill
A medium shot is used to show the window sill being egged. The camera zooms in slowly, when the egg hits the window you can see the woman's reaction inside and she goes up to the window and see's who it is and runs outside. The camera fades to the woman throwing the eggs, a medium shot is used to show her throwing the eggs. A long shot is used to show when the woman runs out her house, and then it cuts to the other woman, whilst they have a conversation. An over the shoulder shot is used when they are having a conversation, and then the shot changes to a close up, which shows her facial expressions. A shot/reverse shot is used during their conversation, which shows their facial expressions. Then the camera cuts to the bag on the ground, as she reaches for something in the bag, the camera zooms in and then a medium shot is used to show what she gets out the bag and then changes to a long shot, as she throws the ornament at the house. Then a medium shot is used to show the woman's facial expression, as she looks surprised and shocked that her house is being attacked.
Vampire Diaries
The girl is lying on her bed, and a medium shot is used to show her facial expressions, and she looks like she is struggling. She gets up and a medium shot is still being used to, as she realizes her friend is watching her sleep. The camera changes to a long shot, from a side view of them two sitting on the bed, this allows the audience to see what is going on. He tries to comfort her as she had a nightmare. A close up is then used to show her facial expressions, and a shot reverse shot is used during their conversation, which allows the audience to see both of their facial expressions. A close up is being used during their conversation and then changes to a medium shot of the woman, as she looks scared. She becomes restless and then another male suddenly comes out of nowhere and interferes in their conversation. A close up is used when he starts talking.
BBC Three is a television
network from the BBC broadcasting via digital cable, terrestrial, ITV and
satellite platforms. The channels target audience includes those in 16-34 year
old age group, and has the purpose of providing innovative content to younger
audiences, by focusing on new talent and new technologies. The channel is on-air from
19:00 to around 05:00 each night.BBC Three was launched by Stuart Murphy, who previously ran BBC Choice.Targeting an audience of 16-34
year olds, BBC three has to compete with there rivals in order such as ITV2 and
E4, for an audience that the BBC has traditionally had difficulty in attracting.
On average nine million people watch BBC Three every week.
BBC Three's programming consists of comedy, drama, spin-off series, which would attract many audiences as they may have missed out a show and want to catch up upon it later during the day and other programmes that attempt to alert others of their actions through a series of programmes challenging common beliefs.
Pre-watershed shows are held before 9pm, which are shows which have no swearing, nudity and this would be beneficial for the young viewers. However, these shows change everyday, there isn't a fixed timing for some of these shows as on some days snog marry or avoid is shown at 21.00, which shows there is no fixed timing, suggesting audiences won't be aware of what time to expect a programme to be on, however this could also be a positive outcome as young audiences flick through the channels and don't usually stick to one, also having films shown on some days would attract them even more, especially on the weekend as that is when they want to relax.
BBC three has many different shows at different timings, there are suitable shows that we could look at for our teen drama, which are pre-watershed as we could get information and new techniques which may help us with our drama, also the target audience for bbc three ranges from 16-34 years, but we need to aim ours at young teenagers, so we could research more about the young teenager shows in order to help us
Sunday, 16 December 2012
My group's idea is about a 16 year old teenager called Mathew, who lives in an estate with his mum,who acts different with his family and different in front of his friends. The opening scene is of him getting ready to go to school. He goes to a private school, whilst he is getting ready, he is listening to rap/hip hop music. He hears his mum walking up the stairs, so he quickly changes it to the news. His mum walks in and tells him to hurry up and get downstairs. She walks back downstairs and he switches the TV off and grabs his back and goes downstairs. He has his breakfast and then says to his mum that he is leaving. He walks out the door, and as soon as he slams the door behind him, hip hop music starts (non-diegetic). The music starts and he walks around the corner of his estate, and opens a box, and finds his clothes. He gets changed into a black tracksuit, and his image completely changes. He starts bopping towards his bike, and gets on it and rides off. He then goes to meet his friends. His friends are the stereotypical hood boys, they are wearing track suits, hats, smoking. They start a conversation and his friends give him a bag, and then a police car rolls up next to them. His friends then push him of his bike, and run off. The police grab Mathew and floor him and check the bag. They put hand cuffs around his wrists and tell him he is under arrest.
We are going to be filming in an estate called Smith Farm We are using this estate, so it enforces the stereotypical views and it will go well with the genre of our work. We will be filming at this location throughout the entire scenes.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Ill Manors Film Research
Research all the institutions involved in the production of Ill Manors
Who is the main distributor for Ill Manors?
Revolver Entertainment
How was Ill Manors promoted?
The production companies that were involved:
- Microwave
- Film London
- BBC Films
- Ill Manors
- Gunslinger
- Aiminage Productions
How was Ill Manors funded?
Ill Manors was funded by BBC Films
Ill Manors was funded by BBC Films
What is the target audience for Ill Manors?
The target audience is for young adults, as they will be able to relate to some of these stories
The target audience is for young adults, as they will be able to relate to some of these stories
Who is the main distributor for Ill Manors?
Revolver Entertainment
How was Ill Manors promoted?
Poster were used so that everyone could see the new film release. Promotional posters were also used. It was also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival. It was also promoted through Plan B's music.
Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?
Similarities include cinematography and work flow. Differences include production value; Ill Manors was on a very tight budget of £100,000 compared to over £100,000,000 for a big blockbuster film.
How does the trailer for Ill Manors balance plot and spectacle?
Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18). What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?
Similarities include cinematography and work flow. Differences include production value; Ill Manors was on a very tight budget of £100,000 compared to over £100,000,000 for a big blockbuster film.
How does the trailer for Ill Manors balance plot and spectacle?
The trailer hooks audiences into the narrative and poses questions that the film will answer.
The trailer balances plot and spectacle by having a number of different shots from different durations of the film to expose the overall look and feel of the film, as well as an slight insight into the nature of the narrative.
Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18). What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
The certification 15, it allows violence and sexual activity but not too detailed and drugs are not allowed to be promoted but it is not banned. The difference between a rated 18 certificate and a 15 is that there is more gore, sexual activity and drug taking.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Video Analysis
This video has a range of different shots and editing, to make it seem high quality for the audience. Most of the video consists of a female character walking the corridors throughout these scenes, there are a number of cuts, as she is seen walking from different angles: high and low. This makes a tension build-up, which may engage the audience into the storyline.
A point of view shot is also used to make the audience feel engaged with the character also it lets them see what kind of atmosphere is being created. It allows the audience to see from the characters point of view, which adds to the tension of scene, and this may make the audience suspicious that something bad may happen. She walks to a door, and then the camera changes to inside the classroom. Then she meets a male character, who is sitting in chair, which looks suspicious, as his back is turned to the audience. This will make the audience wonder who he is and why they are meeting.
During the conversation between the two characters, a 180 rule is used, which allows the audience to see the entire scene and lets them see what kind of atmosphere they are in. You can see over whichever character is speaking, this allows the audience to see the other characters' facial expressions. We also used a over-the-head shoulder shot, which allows the audience to see the conversation in more depth and the scene looks more accurate. Low key lighting is used when the male character introduces himself. The camera tilts from his shoes up to his face, which creates suspicion that he may be the villain of the story. When he turns around, the lighting shadows his face, making him seem as the villain of the story, also the audience will be more engaged as they will be wondering who this character is and how he is linked to the female.
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